Rishabh Instruments Limited

Business Philosophy

“‘Execution’ is going to be the key for us.”- From the Chairman’s Desk


Is what I need the group’s focus on. We need to re-invent our ideas, approach and methodsconstantly to keep pace with the changing circumstances and new demands. And as the famousproverb goes, ‘Don’t keep all eggs in one basket’, the growth that we want to achieve shouldcome from all directions i.e. new products, new markets, new customers, newtechnology, newacquisitions, new features to existing products and any other innovation that can help reinvent the company and ourselves. Innovation has to be made a culture.

Traditionally we have been a company with constant velocity, we now need to accelerate andfordoing this we can’t do things the way we used to do in the past. It’s time to ‘switch gears’. Let our vision and mission be a point of validation and give direction to thousands of decisions wemake every day.

Growth is essential for the survival and the only way to move forward, and we have toreallywork hard and smart to execute our vision. We are in the midst of realizing the synergiesbetween Rishabh, Shanti and Lumel, companies with long histories and tradition and yet youngto show speed and agility. ‘Execution’ is going to be the key for us.

Each of our group companies have a tremendous amount of knowledge, experienced peopleandan appetite to grow. We are in the business of measurement of electrical energy andall therelated parameters used in the generation, transmission and distribution of electricityandproducts to control record and manipulate these parameters for the automation industry. Longterm vision is to grow each of these sectors with cross-fertilization and to use the knowledgetoexpand our product portfolio with products using these technologies. 

Lets live growth!