Rishabh Instruments Limited


Rishabh Instruments limited, with an experience of nearly three decades is an organization that has built its core competence in manufacturing, design and development of Test and Measuring Instruments and Industrial Control Products on strong fundamentals; in terms of people, infrastructure and financials. The company provides a hands-on, value driven, professional environment considering people its most important asset.

The legacy goes like this....


Back in the day when computers ran on 8MB, India was yet to open its foreign trade policies, Rishabh started as an Analog Panel meter company in 1985, in the small industrial town of Nashik. The initial struggle was tough, Rishabh was close to being a sick unit but as our German technology partners realized our manufacturing skills and started buying our products, things started changing. We started exporting Analog Panel meters to companies who admired our mark for quality. The early 90’s was when Rishabh stabilized as a company, this is when the company found it’s feet. 


In the late 1990’s the electro-mechanical era started shifting towards digital and to keep up with the trend, Rishabh started manufacturing Digital Panel Meters, Transducers, and a range of test and measuring products like Multimeters and Insulation Testers. Again technology was collaborated from European partners and products were manufactured in India.

Rishabh also realized it’s growing expertise in buying, cost reduction and other set of manufacturing skills and soon also started contract manufacturing of electrical instrumentation products for companies in western nations. It became a strong outsourcing partner to companies who apart from the cost advantage also loved Rishabh’s investments in new technologies. 

What we saw in every buyer was - “They came to us for our competitive costs, and stayed with us for quality.” 


Done with borrowing & following technology, Summer of 2003 was when an independent Research & Development Unit, Trishala was inaugurated with one and one aim only - to create technology. This led to the introduction of our new products completely developed & manufactured in Nashik. Many products lines have since been added and Rishabh has found its place in the Electrical Measurement Industry as a technology innovator.

Going Global

To accelerate growth, apart from its sustaining organic growth endeavors Rishabh acquired Lumel S.A. in summer of 2011 from the Polish state. The synergies of the joint unit have become a turning point in Rishabh's history. Rishabh’s cost control and market dominance and Lumel’s European base with a solution oriented product basket have turned out to be game changer for both organizations.